how to keep the chicken easily and how to breed


Hello.... !!!

Today I will share my little experience as (Housewife)


l my daily life to fill my busy life, what I do is try to help boost economic resources in my family

I feel affection for the vegetables that the traders throw away, because the vegetables are rotten and no longer suitable for sale.

such as Tomatoes, Cabbage, Potatoes, and many other vegetables.
I think it will be useless or otherwise if it is not thrown in its place.
since then came the idea of using vegetables that are not worth selling for me as chickens.


try your own calculations, how much money should you spend to feed the chickens if we give with chicken food sold in the market (PUR). I think it will drain your pocket.

I only give (PUR) when new chicks hatch until the age of 10 s / d 12 days, then I will release chicken or Siam chicken in between (chicken pieces). with the trick then the cut chicken will imitate what other chickens do in terms of food.

as a distraction from decaying plant-based foods. I sort the potatoes that do not decompose fatally, then I divide into two parts and boil them, just mix the salt with only iodized salt.


In the midst of busyness we had to separate chickens. according to their weight and health.
chickens also did not escape from drugs to cope with the flu. I gave him a chitamin mixed with water for drinking chicken.

the fitamin I use is:


Which contains Vitamin B and C for

chicken health


as people say raising chickens is not easy because it is often exposed to the flu as mentioned above.
Some people also mention storing pieces of chicken should be with great care.

I think it's easy because in my opinion the chicken is not located on intensive maintenance because the chicken is very vulnerable to the environment, if you do very good maintenance will not work if the environment and food is not fulfilled regularly and awake according to the taste of the chicken.




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