eSteem solutions to recent common issues

This post is to quickly refer user to find solution to their issues. It looks like with a lot of new users to the platform, which excites us all, number of misuses and sometimes weird issues are being reported. Here I will post some resolutions for common issues so if you have had one, feel free to try out.

Below screenshots and error reports from some users, hope they don't mind if I share them here with solutions so others can see and follow...

Common issues and solutions

Screenshot Solution

Cause: Credential or password mistype. Voting and Posting/Commenting will show similar error message.

Solution: Logout and Login back with your password or private posting key through Advanced option, but beware of typos on password. Best way to avoid typos is to use Advanced login option and QR scan private posting and active keys.

Note: Prior v1.4.6, eSteem login process had small bug. v1.4.6 already has a fix, all you have to do update app and re-login.

Cause: Username doesn't require @ character during login.

Solution: Just removing unnecessary characters from username field should solve the issue.

Note: v1.4.6 already have fix for this which handles incorrect characters.

Cause: Usually if you have # in tags field which is not necessary.

Solution: Just removing unnecessary characters from tags field should solve issue.

Note: v1.4.6 already have fix for this which handles incorrect characters.

Cause: When you select Capture Picture with Camera, app crash or force close happens on some Android devices.

Solution: You can manually enable permission to camera, here is post with video explaining how to do that

Note: v1.4.6 already have fixed it but in case you haven't updated app yet, you can do so now. Go to Play Store and make sure you have latest release installed.

Cause: Incorrect Voting weight or voting weight value is not recognized.

Solution: Adjust voting percentage and try again. You can access voting percent slider by tapping and holding on vote button 0.5 seconds, it will popup slider so you can adjust according to your need. You can also change percentage from Settings page of the app.

If you have experienced some issues and you have found workaround or solution, feel free to share it under #esteem-feedback and #esteem-tips to help other users.

Steem on!

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