In a group of geni that consists of leaders and officers


In a group of geni that consists of leaders and officers
moreover, also tools for the railroad, for raft iron
and boat rafts, wards and so on,
a necessary tool of war that was brought along as well.
The total number of powers is 389 officers and 7888
subordinates, 16 civil servants, 32 physician officers, and if
included 3565 sentences and 243 women (incl
without husband then all of them are 12,101 people.
A full civil servant of a formation for the administration,
entered an army auditeur and several employees were headed
a director, who is also required to participate.
Also attend three religious employees: 1 veldpredikter, 1 pastor,
1 religious teacher (H.M. Ilyas, Semarang).
1 Row of the Red Cross is more complete.
Besides, they also brought along the legs:

  1. Sidi Tahil (known in the 1st aggression).
  2. Chancellor Kroesen, his assistant datuk loyal Abuhasan.
  3. "Envoy" Mas Sumo Widikjo.
  4. Commander of the War of Setiaraja.
  5. Mohamad Arsyad (No. 4 and S King Burhanuddin's helpers).
    Other hand feet:
    a). From Penang took part: 5 guides, namely Ko Beng
    Swie, Pie Auw, Jose Masaang, Li Bieng Chet and Co. Gee yang
    The back is the most fluent in Malay
    (Indonesia) and the local language of Aceh.
    Then join:
    Si Diman, living in Padang, was once
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