Provincial Government Accept Revision of UNKB Change Regulation But Can Not Be Applied, this is the reason


Provincial Government (Pemprov) Riau is reported to have received a revised file of local regulations on Regional Taxes. Where there are changes to the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (PBBKB) from 10 percent to 5 percent.

After the revision was received, the Riau provincial government will do harmonization with DPRD Riau about the change of the local regulation.
"We will accept that we will harmonize together with the DPRD," he said, adding that the head of Legal and Human Rights Bureau of Riau Setdaprov Elly Wardhani, Wednesday, May 23, 2018.

Once harmonized with the DPRD, the local regulation will first be established and enacted. Only then can the regulation be run.
In addition, for the perda is also not much done revision and pang done only a little revision in the form of devinisi and editorial error.
"The change is a little, for substance no problem," he continued.

However, he can not be sure when the decline in fuel prices (BBM), especially Pertalite in Riau will be lowered after the enactment of the law.
"What is clear will be adjusted again newly enacted.Once enacted we submit to Bapenda fully, for the socialization stage Bapenda who knows," he concluded.

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