Pokemon Go: World Tourism Day Event


The team at Niantic continues to deploy content non-stop as they have just announced that on September 26th they will launch a celebration of World Tourism Day which will allow players around the world to have access to unique Pokemon that may be the ones missing to complete their Pokedexes of past generations. They are also adding a new shirt for our Avatars to use to change our design when we want.

The following Regional Pokemon will start to be available in 5km eggs with the start of this event: Farfetch’d, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Heracross, Corsola, Volbeat, Illumise, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Tropius, Relicanth, Pachirisu, Mime Jr., Chatot, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Heatmor, and Durant. They have even included some of the Pokemon that have just been released as part of the Unova Region (Generation Five)! Also, with the event, they will make Mime Jr. available in egg hatches! Lastly with Regional Pokemon, the rival Pokemon Zangoose and Seviper will also be available in their Shiny form for the first time!

Since there is plenty of new Pokemon going around, Niantic is also reducing the amount of Stardust needed to trade Pokemon by 75% to incentivize more trading during the event. This is clearly an effort for players to complete their Pokedexes! In addition to new Research Tasks also being available they have also increased the amount of XP players get from spinning PokeStops during this event. All around a busy event will plenty of opportunity to catch new Pokemon and gain more experience!


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