Steemmonsters season update


Well the season is already more than half way and this will be my first post about season 11! Guess that says enough. I can't even find the motivation anymore to write some more posts about steemmonsters to score their daily upvote wich is still decent enough!

Also this season feels even more harder than the past 2 and probably I won't make it to Gold I! At the moment I am ranked on place 423 with 2066 rating points. With 5 days and 18 hours to go, I would need still need more than 400 points. That is not going to happen with the current motivation.
I have no idea why this season is much harder than the previous ones, or does it just feels like it?
I do know that the choicen summoners for my daily quest most of the time weren't very well suited for my collection!

Probably also the delegation functionality is kicking in, in full force. Seems that there are a lot a new/unknown players to me, with much better decks and very low ranking points. Loosing against such a player of course gives a blow to your own ranking points!
Also I am facing again players from higher leagues. Does this mean that a lot of players with my qualities and collection did stop playing?

So, I did sell a lot of my gold card, starting my exit plan. But I will be forced to continue untill the Premier League is over! I am participating in a challenge where each week a steemmonster's card could be won. So, it would be foolish to quit already!

As you can see I still have a lot of questions. Another reason to pauze the yarden sale of my collection are the plan which they do have with the integration in the Tron network. This could mean that some new players will enter the game, who are willing to buy some better cards. Which could lift the value of the cards!

Daily rewards

10 daily quests have been played in season 11. And for the first time since looooong, I did pull a legendary card. This was yesterday after a tough daily quest with the water splinter, one the better elements in my collection!

Here is the complete list of the rewarded cards!

CardRarityElementCountValueTot. Value
Exploding DwarfCommonFire30,090,27
Highland ArcherCommonNeutral30,020,06
Undead MinotaurCommonDeath20,030,06
Creeping OozeCommonNeutral40,050,2
Goblin MechCommonNeutral30,030,09
Sea MonsterCommonWater40,070,28
Rusty AndroidCommonNeutral30,020,06
Sea GenieCommonWater30,020,06
Silvershield ArchersCommonLife20,020,04
Wood NymphCommonEarth20,060,12
Crystal WerewolfRareLife30,080,24
Flame ImpRareFire20,030,06
Mushroom SeerRareEarth10,030,03
Black DragonLegendaryDragon11,871,87
Javelin ThrowerRareEarth10,190,19

So 40 cards with a total value of $3.7. Overal not bad for only playing the daily quests! If everything would have been sold it would mean 7.4 steem extra. This is what keeps me going! Maybe I will try to play some more, to have a shot at Gold I.

How is your season going?

Do you find it also tougher than the previous one? Do you think that delegation is kicking in or not?
And what do you think about the integration with TRON?



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