reseps nasi goreng rumahan

Main Ingredients of Nasi Goreng Rulai Spesial image
5 plates of rice
75g of beef smoke
2 pieces of sausage, cut loop
2-3 chicken eggs
100 g of squid
100 g of shrimp
100 g peas
50 grams of button mushrooms
100 g chicken meat that has been boiled, diced
3 tbsp butter for sauteing
Special Rice Fried Rice Seasoning Material
2 cloves of red onion, sliced
3 cloves of garlic, sliced
2 pieces of red chilli, sliced
1/2 fruit bomb bombay, chopped
1 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tbsp chilli sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
soy sauce sufficiently
chili paste to taste
salt to taste
pepper to taste
Complementary Special Fried Rice Noodle
How to make special home-cooked fried rice, delicious, savory, simple and practical
Put the first butter into the pan to melt
Then input bomb bomb then white meat and shallots that have been sliced ​​until fragrant
Put chicken pieces, stir-fry
Then input the shrimp, squid, stir the smoke until evenly and half cooked
Furthermore their needs u ...

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