Are leaders born or made?

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. And also LEADERS: Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying, and eventually we all will believe it. Some leaders.

Made. Leadership is a concept that has to be groomed. One might learn to behave like a leader if they modeled those behaviors from somewhere in their environment. But the practice and what it means to be a great leader are all concepts that have to be taught.

But, everyone is born with the POTENTIAL to become a great leader. That's the difference.

They're nurtured. Some might say that others are born with leadership qualities a person fantasizes to have. Some might even argue that there are truly those who can take charge of people or a group of people because it's simply part of their genetic structure. I find all of those simply make believes that have surfaced due to a lot of people already giving up on being one without even trying. That person speaking in front and taking everybody's attention? They didn't inherit that humor from their parents, that empathy of theirs that they use to connect and understand their people weren't passed them, they didn't had that since birth. I've always believed that it's part of how they're raised by their guardians and/or how they nurtured it themselves. No one starts as the best, we all have been at the bottom.

I think some people have a personality that predisposes them to be leaders. Other people have to work on it. I know I am more of a follower in general situations but if there is an emergency I automatically take charge and people tend to follow me. For instance, I shared a house with some people many years ago. We had a gas leak in the middle of the night. It woke me up, I knew what it was, woke everyone up and told them to get outside, at 3am in winter in their bed clothes. They were half asleep, couldn't smell it themselves but they did what I said without question. I asked them why later and they said they weren't quite sure, they just knew they had to do what I said. It's a really interesting bit of psychology.

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