Morals Collapse Because of These Little Things

The main migration is morality, because morality is the essence of Islam.
How morals can collapse only because of small actions
Ideally, believers always remember Allah in any daily activities in the world. Want to eat read bismillah, sit read bismillah and so on. Even when we desire in ourselves, we should immediately remember God. Examples of my teacher are very interesting. For example, I'm relaxing listening to a song. Suddenly I want to go to the kitchen. The emergence of the "first desire" into this kitchen and our memories to God may determine whether our morals will be damaged or not at the temporary moment around desires.
Back to the example I want to go to the kitchen. When that desire appeared I was negligent or did not remember God. As soon as I went into the kitchen I found the stove lit with a nearly burnt pan of water. Apparently my wife had cooked water and then forgot and fell asleep. So I turned it off then annoyed. I woke my wife and while annoyed I nagged my wife. "If you cook it, don't leave it. The pan was burnt. How about burning? What if the stove explodes? Blah blah blah ... "in a tone blaming his wife.
In an alternative hypothetical scenario - when I want to go to the kitchen I immediately remember God, then pray, "God, I want to go to the kitchen, keep my steps and my heart from turning away from You and give me wisdom from this desire if that desire comes from You. If it comes from my desires, forgive me and keep my heart from entering into the negligent group of people. "Then I entered the kitchen and found the stove burning with a burnt pan. That's when I was immediately thankful that God had raised a desire in my heart and ran me into the kitchen to save my family and me from the danger of fire.
In the first case, when I was worried and irritated and nagged at my wife, what really happened to my mind? I worry about the world: what if the stove is broken? The burnt pan must buy again. How about a house fire? So I grumble by talking about everything about the world. I forget God. That means my heart looks at the world so that what rises at that time is anger, greed for fear of damaged goods, and so on.
In the second case, what appeared was gratitude that God was still willing to entrust the treasury in the form of a pot stove and so on so that he protected the property that was left to me by raising the desire to go to the kitchen. The past world does not appear or not be our focus - we are more focused on God and His love and help and guidance so that we are well aware that we are originally not able to do anything and depend on Him. Here as if there was a vague sign from the verse "wherever you face, that's where the face of God is." In this context Face of mercy, Understand protect and Understand.
These two hypothetical examples show that the true collapse of morality comes from within. Perhaps because we do not practice doing good, in this case do not practice getting used to remembering God so that the heart always looks at the world. Consequently we are trapped by anger and cause to hurt the wife's feelings with harsh words while blaming. If things like this are repeated, it will certainly be a bad habit and deeds.
In the second case, we are not angry but grateful. The next effect is that we will not nag and blame the wife. So maybe then we will invite the wife to talk softly about forgetting to cook this water without any element of anger and blame. So it is good advice and more friendly words, even jokingly.
Imagine what might happen if we bring this inner condition to a wider scale - when working, interacting socially, and so on?
What goes on in the heart is magical and can cause miracles. We must always remember God at least for this reason. Remembering God will train us to be honest with ourselves. Until at some point God himself will show whether what moves or moves in the mind comes from al-Haq or lust?

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