4 Unclean Human Groups Touched by Hell Fire

Hell is a place for those who are not obedient to the commands of God and diligently commit immorality. In hell, sinners will be tortured with very hot hellfire. All their bad words as long as in the world will get their reward in hell.
Entering hell is very easy, unlike entering heaven. Enough to behave badly towards others, do not worship and do not repent for life, it is certain to be thrown into hell.
Even so, every believer certainly does not want to go to hell and wants to enter paradise that is full of pleasure. But whether or not we will later in the hereafter depends on our deeds while living in this world.
Rasulullah SAW once said that there are some human groups that are forbidden to touch hell fire, as in the following hadith:
From Abdullah bin Mas'ud radhiyallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' Alaihi Wasallam said: "Will you show me people who are forbidden to him touched by the fire of hell?" The companions asked, "Want, O Messenger of Allah!" He replied: "The person Hayyin, Layyin, Qarib, Sahl. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidzi & Ibn Hibban).
So what is the purpose of the four groups mentioned by Rasulullah? The following is a more complete explanation.

  1. Hayyin

Hayyin is a person who is not easily angry and considerate in every decision he makes. He also does not like to curse the weaknesses and ugliness of others. His soul is very calm and calm.

  1. Layyin

Layyin is a person who is polite and kind in his words. Gentle and does not like to be rude and always wants good for others. Not angry easily if you disagree.

  1. Qarib

Qarib is a person who has a smiley, friendly and friendly attitude towards others. He has a radiant face and always spreads greetings.

  1. Sahl

Sahl is a person who does not make things difficult, does not like to be convoluted, does not like to bother others and always helps solve other people's problems.
In essence, people who are forbidden to touch hellfire are those who always maintain good relations with Allah (habluminallah) and good relations with humans (habluminannas). In the hearts of people who believe should not have saved feelings of resentment, envy and envy against others.

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