Life in life

We often find wild plants are found all around us, we often refer to as wild plants, various types and characters found in plants that are mentioned, thus inviting photographers to mempotrait them in the photos, not only is it seranggapun took part in wild plants that , which is used by insects to occupy the plant used as a home or a nest where they breed in the plant.

Any number of different types and characters that occupy that place are used as a place to chew rumors or where they nest in the sense of home for them, many small insects that live in such places, such as wasps or bee, sentadu, ceubreik, and many more not mentioned here.

In one plant they share a place to live together even though sometimes there are parties who profit and lose between others, sometimes bees prey on ants, ceubreik prey on insects that are smaller than them, jokes prey on other insects that have become a tradition fortheir lives, when we look at their lives, of course they also have a life that is almost like human life even though there are so many differences between us, but they also build civilization for the survival of their habitat.

The essence of all that they live in a large plant for those who are smaller, they live in one order that they achieve by accident and until now they are still alive, even though sometimes they are treated unfavorably for them from their enemies, not that'sall they are also very upset about humans, which sometimes we also take root in eradicating them with certain reasons that we cannot avoid, but indeed they get their lives, they don't know whether their habitat will continue or stop there.We too, as humans cannot guarantee that only the creator knows very well.


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