Male sacrifice

Did we know that the "Sentadu" or "Sembah" have many kinds, and certain facts ?, let's look at the criteria below,

The first, locusts "Sentadu" or "Sembah" have considerable species, according to the results of research from a team of experts they found about 2,300 species. Of the many species of grasshopper, the pygmaea Bolbe species are the smallest grasshoppers. They are only 1 cm in size when they grow up. Ischnomantis gigas belong to the largest type of locust. They can reach the size of 17 cm, found in the Sahel region, South Africa, While in Indonesia there are many contained in this post.

Then the second one, locusts "Sentadu" or "Sembah" are made official animals to symbolize an area or country. Grasshoppers, made official animals in some areas such as,
  1. Grasshopper Sentadu California is an official insect of the state of South California.

  2. The European Sentadu locust is an official insect of the state of Connecticut.

While the third type of this insect has its own uniqueness as eggs Grasshoppers will hatch after the age of 5 months. Old is not the process of hatching it? The nymph nymphs will come out of the eggs in the same shape as adult locusts, but with smaller sizes. While nymph nymphs will experience the skin change for 10 times in every process.

The fourth uniqueness. Types of "Sentadu" or "Worship" locusts are a nimble type of insect that is nimble in hunting. Their attacking speed is 1/20 seconds in every movement.

And the fifth uniqueness of this locust is that after reproduction, the male grasshoppers will be eaten by the female locusts. The grasshopper will be used as a source of food for the eggs. How heavy the struggle faced by the male sacrifices his soul for the sake of their civilization.

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