Beautiful dragon fish

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Often people give names of animals based on their physical characteristics, or behavior. there are several types of fish which are also called Dragon Fish, because they have some physical characteristics such as Naga, whether it's the head, the fins, or other body parts that are similar to the physical characteristics of the Dragon.
But most of the Dragon Fish are ornamental fish that are famous for their beauty and are very popular among ornamental fish lovers.
This dragon fish is actually not a fish but a type of Salamander that spends the rest of its life in the form of larvae. This exotic animal is sometimes also called "Mexican Walking Fish".
This animal can be found in Mexico City, and can reach 30 cm in length, but the average size of this animal is 15 cm and the color is mostly albino in pink, although some are brown.
In addition, the uniqueness of this animal is that its gills are located outside its body which is located next to its head, if seen at a glance it looks like a horn. With this characteristic, why is this animal called the Dragon Fish.
The average age of these animals is between 10 and 15 years.

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