Quick note about recent GDPR rules


Dear eSteem user,

We just wanted to inform you that all your drafts, images uploaded via eSteem, bookmarks, schedules and favorites data are all stored at our esteem.app server. This is your personal private data and only you have an access to it. We store it on the server side to sync it across all of your devices for your own convenience. Though you have ability to remove that at any point via eSteem application menu.

What is GDPR

General Data Protection Regulation is basically some rules or terms of using and sharing users private data. These rules have to be clearly understood by users and they should have an ability to see and remove all their private data easily from the service according to GDPR. You can check more about it on Wikipedia GDPR article.

You don't have to sign anything but if you will continue using eSteem applications you agree with these terms automatically. We are in the process of updating our homepage and privacy, terms of use to reflect GDPR.

Next Surfer release is coming in few hours, stay tuned!

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