Teruntuk Ayah / for father



Beliau seseorang yang kita namakana ayah. Kulit hitam legam terbakar matahari siang hari. Rambut yang begitu cepat memutih termkan usia yang tidak lagi dini.
Tak lelah mengumpulkan lembar-lembar yang bernilai. Sekedar memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari demi anak istri dan dirinya sendiri.
Semoga Allah selalu memudahkan segala urusanmu ayah....

||English ||

He is someone we call father. Jet-black skin is sunburned during the day. Hair that is so quick to turn white age is no longer early.
Not tired of collecting valuable sheets. Just to meet the daily needs for the children and his wife.
May Allah always facilitate all your affairs father ....

@ eryyosie

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