

For 6 months Reza has been away from me. For some reason. Ever since Valen moved into this housing complex, Reza shrank away from me. Valen is my best friend, he is my elementary school friend. Valen is not only my best friend, but he is also my confidant friend, every problem I slalu told him. Including the issue of Reza.
"Is it possible that Reza likes Valen?"
"Again nglamunin Reza ya?" Guess kak Rizqy that startle me.
"Iiiiiihih .. Kak Rizqy, ngagetin aja!"
"More nglamunin Reza ya?"
"What the hell is it! Weird."
"I know how lo is away from Reza because Valen right."
"A ....." kak Rizqy cut me off.
"In that case, lo is less beautiful than Valen, so Reza ngeauhin lo."
"Let's say if Reza likes Valen, that's his rights too!"
"Hmbb, whatever!" Said kak Rizqy as he left leaving me.

Always Recalled

"Reza, why do not you sms me?" I muttered to myself.

24.01.2013 14.35
Hy liv, what the hell?

24.01.2013 14.37
Tumben lo smz,

24.01.2013 14.40
Jutek very sich,
Lo busy ngg '

24.01.2013 14.42
Emank npa,

24.01.2013 14.45
Temuin me d tman

24.01.2013 14.48

After that Reza did not reply to my sms. "Why did he tell me to go to the park? Curious, go there aja deh!" I said.
"Want where?" Mama asked who was sitting on the porch of the house.
"Want to go for a walk, Oh yeah, Ma, what brother?" I replied.
"Do not know tuh, he said out with his friends."
"Schoolmate, Ma?"
"I think it's a companion friend!"
"It must be Reza, they must both do me a favor, because they both know if I'm a birthday," I muttered to myself. I canceled my intention to go to the park for fear of work.
"Why do not you come in?" Says Mama.
"Ehm .. Anu, Ma, ehm .. My head is suddenly dizzy, I go first yes, Mam, want to rest," I replied while leaving Mama.

24.01.2013 15.05
Dek, I wait d tman ea skrang

Suddenly kak Rizqy sms me,

24.01.2013 15.08

24.01.2013 15.13
That's all

I'm getting more and more curious. I decided to go to the park.
"Want where else?" Asked Mama who was sitting on the porch of the house.
"Ehm .. Anu, ehm .. Want to .. to .. to minimarket." I reply stammered.
"He said it was a headache?" Mama asked.
"It's a bit nice, Ma, I'll go first, Assalamu'alaikum." I replied as I shook Mama's hand.

I walked to the park. And when it comes to the park there is no one there. Including Reza and kak Rizqy.
"How come nobody is here! Huh .. uh! I'm tired of coming here! Ahh, go back aja deh!"

As I headed for the way home, suddenly,
"Happy birthday my most adekku happy birthday yes!" Said kak Rizqy while carrying a birthday cake that reads '' Livi 17 th ''
"Happy birthday, Liv. Hopefully at your age of 17 you do not jailin me anymore and also mature," said Valen while giving me a gift.
"Happy birthday yes!" Reza said with a sweet smile and gave me a gift.
"Happy birthday, Liv, I'm sorry if we have a bad present," Bastian and Iqbal said while giving me a gift.
"Thank you all, I'm sorry if I like to ngejailin you!" I said.
"Well now turn lo we are doing," said Iqbal.

Valen, Reza, Bastian, and Iqbal pursued me and pelted me with flour and rotten eggs. I ran away from them so that the eggs and flour they brought did not concern me. The rotten flour and egg they brought almost all about my body.
"Iiiiiih .. What the hell do you guys.Not funny tau.Ko ngerjain ngerjain ngerjain ngjain, do not have to gini.Iiiiiih, tau smell!" I say angry.
"Iiiiiih, Livi angry if the more beautiful yes!" Joked Valen.
"What the hell, Val, I'm sorry ah, I want to go home," I replied as I left leaving them.

Suddenly Rizqy's tosses me with the birthday cake he was carrying.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah .. Kak Rizqy !!!!" I yelled out because upset while chasing kak Rizqy.
"Waaaw, it turns out that Livi is fiercely angry too!" Bastian whispered to Reza.
"Ah .. Udah .. Ah .. Males I ngurusin you, tired, mending me go home aja!" I said.

"Um, open the gift ah!" I mumble.
First I opened a gift from Bastian and Iqbal. In the gift was a letter that read,

Sorry, Liv. If the gift from us is both bad. Iqbal Bastian.

The contents of their gift is a blue Dolphin doll.
Secondly, I opened a gift from Valen, it contained an album that turned out to be a picture of One Direction and a picture of my childhood with her and a letter.
"Liv, happy birthday yes I'm sorry I can not give you a present, that's all I can give you Liv, sorry if I've promised you I told Reza and Rizqy's brother if you really like him. You do not get me wrong, Liv! For the past 6 months, Reza has avoided you not because he likes me, but he learns to forget his past with Feby and learns to love you.Slowly he starts to love you, Liv.You away from you because he wants to know your reaction to him Rizqy and Rizqy are trying to get you closer to Reza, Rizqy's sister may be your birthday is the right time for Reza to declare his love for you so do not think that Reza likes me. "

Under the letter was a sign that read,
"Open Reza's present, there's a surprise he'll give you!"

I quickly reached Reza's gift and opened it, it was a letter.
"Liv, honestly, ever since Valen speaks to me that you like me, my heart knows what it feels like, there is a sense of shock, delight and sadness surprised to not believe that you like me, happy because my love is rewarded to you, and sad because I am soon will stay here Tomorrow at 9 am I'll move to Surabaya If you really love me prove it And tell my parents that you're the one I'm looking for I'm waiting for you at the airport And maybe, this gift is a memory for you. "the contents of the letter.

I'm confused to choose which one, tomorrow I'm school. If not mbolos must be mad at Mama and Papa. If I did not go to the airport, I would lose Reza.
"O Allah, please be Your servant." My prayer while crying.

Suddenly Rizqy's kak came into my room.
"Lo cried huh?" Said kak Rizqy.
"What are you doing here? Why do not you knock on the door first," I replied, wiping my tears.
"Lo crying because Reza will move and leave you?" He guessed.
"What the heck do you think I'm not crying, do not you know?" I snapped.
"Honest aja deh deck! I know really, I want to help you lo lo not loose Reza."
"Iiiya .. I'll sleep there! I'll pick you up at school at 8 am Okay!"
"Okay, thank you kak!" I replied as he hugged Rizqy's brother.

As the class took place, Mr. Arif, my homeroom teacher called me and told me to go to the teachers' room.
"Eight o'clock is right, it must be Rizqy's sister," I guessed.
"Are you ready for the deck?" Asked Rizqy kak.
"Well, sir I said goodbye yes, Assalamu'alaikum" I said goodbye to Mr. Arif.
"Wa'alaikumsalam." He replied.
"How can tumben car bring?" I asked.
"Yes, because Mama ngijinin make nganterin lo to the Airport.What time?"
"Still at 8:20"

When my journey and Rizqy's sister was some distance away, suddenly the road was jammed.
"Kak jamet ya .. How?" It's late at 8:40 am! Less than 20 minutes Reza left, "I said.
"Yes patience deck."

Suddenly the car that was driven by kak Rizqy broke down.
"Well, pack a strike event all," said Rizqy kak.
"What? Strike? How about donk? Only 10 minutes left." I panicked.
"Ehm .. How about it? Well, tuh! There is a workshop We go to the workshop aja! Ntar car we stay for a while there! Ntar us to Airport take aja taxi!" Said kak Rizqy.

Rizqy's sister asks the repairman to repair the car. While I'm looking for a taxi.
"Sister, there's a taxi! Let's hurry!" I said as I ran and took Rizqy's arm.
"Kak only 5 minutes left." How about that? "I said.
"Sir can be a little short?" Said kak Rizqy to the taxi driver.

When I got to the airport, I looked at the clock, and it turned out, it was already 8 o'clock. I saw the plane slide into space.
"It must be Reza kak! I'm late! I'm not the woman Reza is looking for this slama!" I say, sobbing.
"Patience of the deck Lo is steadfast! It must be tomorrow there will be better than Reza," replied kak Rizqy as he calmed me and hugged me.

"Za, the name of lo will be there in my heart, even though lo there far, I will not lupain lo Thank you for this gift .. This gift is a gift that is very meaningful for me. Thanks, Za Lo will slalu I remember in heart, "I muttered to myself.

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