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Ing kamar paling tenang
Aku rumangsa ana ing kene
Pakaryan aku, malah aku
Sampeyan nggawa akeh pengarep-arep ala

Aku mikir maneh
sing wis dilakoni
Sampeyan sijine krasan
tengen kiwa

Cukup, yen sampeyan teka;
banjur ninggal maneh
Atine iki ora kanggo ndhelikake;
banjur ninggal maneh

Sira tresna sampeyan;
wis ilang ing bisu
utawa malah, saiki wis mati
lan ora bakal bali


In the quietest room
I feel your presence here
Accompany me, even on my own
You're bringing a bunch of sad memories

I thought again of the heart
which you have hurt
You plug a dagger
right on my left side

Suffice it, if you just come over;
then leave again
This heart is not to hide;
then leave again

Love you ever gave;
has been lost in silence
or even, is now dead
and will not return

Thanks For Reading My Writing
I hope you like it


Your voting will force your voice to give me strength.

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