The Strsy Bird 🐤

Get your shine! What I think hummingbirds say to each other, both male ruby-neck hummingbirds.

This Ruby-throat gorget is so bright, that the camera sensor can not handle it, I do not think or know about it until talking to my about scarlet tanagers and red, but the sensor can not expose it properly for a bright red like that. Me You can adjust to stop, but this ruby-neck man is just an extraordinary individual.

This guy from last year, on the research site,
I hope to net a few more this year, maybe start a migration project in as.



This is posting for metbiologist as he's gallivanting through the Costa Rican jungles conducting research - "here we have the plain-capped starthroat,

another species of hummingbird that will be eligible at times, it takes til the last week in the trip for the number of sittings to increase While it is a bigger hummingbird species,

it tends to be quite shy This species would regularly get billed by the much more tenacious, green-breasted mangos "

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