Senja disudut desa


Malam semakin larut dalam kegelapan, matapun sulit sekali untuk di pejam, angin malam terasa dingin menusuk Sukma, aku coba melihat lukisan alam di kala senja di sudut desa.

The night is getting dark in the dark, the sun is very hard to be in the frost, the wind of the night was cold stabbing Sukma, I try to see the painting of nature in the evening at the corner of the village.

Foto ini dibuat saat saya berkunjung ke tempat sahabat saya, mereka adalah masyarakat pecinta alam yang di kenal dengan MACILA. Mereka hidup dengan serba kekurangan peralatan dunia, namun mereka bangga punya alam yang masih bisa mereka cintai, semoga suatu saat nanti MACILA bisa berjaya.

This photo was made when I visited my friend's place, they are a community of nature lovers who are familiar with MACILA. They live with the world's lack of equipment, but they are proud to have a natural that they can still love, hopefully one day MACILA can triumph.

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