Now we lost our delegations

Hmmm... I was just checking the delegation board, looks like we lost every single bit of possible reward from the dapps we've been "supporting" all this while.

As an #esteem curator, I'm supposed to get paid by upvote, in view of the current SP balance, what will I get out of this? 5 days later I think my upvote will be paid as $0.20 šŸ˜‚ I don't know what else will I use since #partiko is no longer functioning properly. I guess I will continue to support them despite my job is no longer required. I'm wondering how many will still use their app without that big fat upvote šŸ¤Ŗ

I grateful for tasteem since I started food and restaurant review a year ago. I did not always participate, but I enjoyed writing food and restaurant review. I find myself once a week will dive into this kind of writing. At best I had wrote whole week of restaurant reviews when I was having a vacation šŸ˜‚ I've been expecting the fall since previous stinc had named the proposal to give them a haircut. It was fortunate to drag until now, but it still sad to see the big fat upvote gotten shrunk by 10 folds. Once again, lemme see how many curator left there. Probably won't need one as there won't be many writing food and restaurant review anymore šŸ™‚

I have never gotten a direct vote from them other than doing some network supporting role and getting free peanut votes. Also, I have started 3speak video posts this year. Oftenly 3speak voted me, and oracle-d will trail for a vote for me, and I'm grateful for that šŸ„° once again, since the serious turn of table, I'm wondering how 3speak will continue to work around the clock to help themselves to promote the dapp itself rather than using voting power to influence user.

I've got a very good time in 2019 when they decided to show me some light, giving some generous upvote for me videos. But then after February, they pull the plug and decided not to vote me anymore šŸ˜‚ I get it, it's not like I'm anywhere near a hot stuff, neither my content brings any value, but still they've been voting other useless shitty motivational speech with heavy accents "tooday I feeel lurky becaz I has blessing and I wangto share wiz jiu of mai joiful". Call me a sour grape, I am. But, that doesn't stop me from using them. Dtube is still one of the most powerful decentralised video hosting platform, especially when I wanted to cross post from YouTube, they're the easiest way to do it.


I guess nothing has changed, other than my payout. It will be sad to see my author reward come all the way down, but it is what it is. Not like I can do anything about it. I will still use esteem to write my daily post, I will still write a restaurant review with tasteem whenever I see fits, I will still use 3speak for my daily workout routine šŸ™‚ I don't know how can I put dtube in use right now, but who knows in future. At this point of time, take a look at my author reward. What a fantastic Monday we have ā™„ļø

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