Walky: First meeting

A few weeks ago I sent a pitch deck via mail to 3 app developers.

Today I had a meeting with one of them. Name: Nebulae. Location: Ghent.

The company’s headquarters is in a recently build office building called “The Quantum Building”. Within are several companies including start-ups. Quite impressive actually.


After I checked in, I was greeted by Joshua. He’s the project manager.

We talked about several things. First he asked me about Walky. What is it? How did I came up with the idea? What are your expectations? Thought about marketing?

It seemed my pitch deck was not clear enough so he asked me to explain the concept behind Walky. I talked about how long I was working on this business idea and how many people I shared it with.

He asked me to think more about bringing value to the customer.
He also give me a lot of advice on how to move forward. He said I should contact businesses that could be one of my future partnerships so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to write a new pitch. Make a presentation out of it and make it as clear as possible. The key will be explaining on how Walky creates value for both the users and the companies that supply the rewards.

We also talked about the price. What does an app cost to develop? I had no clue. The end product could be about 20 to 30 000 EUR. Depending on several factors.
The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) could be 5 000 EUR. I think these are fair prices.
I did a lot of research online but I found prices between 2 000 and 100 000 EUR so it was hard to make a decent estimation.

At the end we discussed about…cryptocurrencies. And yes I told him about Steem. At first he thought I was a gamer because he was thinking I meant Steam. ;)
He wanted to know if Steem was popular. Well… I said that it was huge back in 2017 when the whole cryptocurrency market was a hype but those days are clearly over. Especially if you look at the price.

Right now I’m going to contact my business coach and work together on what to do next. Next week I have another meeting with an app developer.

Thanks for reading!


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