Survey: Indian media ahead of American citizen confidence in America

US media has lagged behind the news of the Indian media on the issue of credibility, neutrality and integrity in the judiciary of its nationals.

As Indians think, the news reports given by their country's media are far more credible, impartial, informative and accurate, and American citizens do not think much about American news media.

The United States 'Pew Research Center' reviewed the views of citizens of those countries with the quality of news media coverage in different countries, including India, Japan, France, America and Britain. Its results gave this information

According to the study, in terms of impartial, important news, there is a little behind the Indian media in terms of impartiality and allegiance, US news media
80 percent Indians think that the reports given by Indian media are correct. In this regard, the average world average is far behind. 62 percent of the total.

Only 7 percent of Indians think that the news served to Indian media is not very credible. It is not as complicated and accurate. 43% of US citizens think that this is the case.

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The survey said 65 percent of Indian political media thinks that they are impartial. And the credibility of the Indian citizens in the news of bureaucrats is 72 percent.

In terms of neutrality in delivering political news, not only the United States, France, Britain, Russia, and Japan have also been behind India.

But this is also true, the survey has been done by the opinion of the citizens of different countries. In terms of what they saw in the eyes of their country's media media; In this regard, the idea of ​​citizens of different countries about the whole world media was not a matter of study .

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