Preparing My Candied Bilimbi Again 😊


traditional way to preserved bilimbi

Hellow Steemit Fellows😉

Here I am, with the same old things I do when there're so many bilimbi fruits on the tree. But I'm not going to create a full week of preparing the bilimbi to be something edible. I did it two times last year but I couldn't shared you the links because it's a bit complicated to find it through my phone😊.

I pick up more than 300 bilimbis from its tree before my FIL picks it up and dried them in a wrong way to preserve it.

I have many options of what to do with the bilimbis, but I'm not in the mood to try another experimental methods to preserve it because it will drain my energy to play steemmonsters later😂😂
So, I just choose the well-ripe bilimbis (about 50) to dry it under the sun to make Asam Sunti which will be a must available ingredient to cook Achenese foods.

But, I will make sunti mameh aka candied sun-dried bilimbi too.


first step if the process was ready, clean it up and make some pores with fork.


there are 2 ways to reduce the acidic juice of bilimbi, soaking it with salt and lime water. Lime water has 2 benefit, it will reduce the sour taste and make it crunchy. But I'd preffer salt😊.

This time I let it soaked fortnight. Before I rinse it up later and add sugar water for 3 days.

Why would I chosen the long and not easy process to make candied one?

Because I will have a sweet-sour edible bilimbi without any further processing than the sun-dried one. I can have the syroop too. Candied bilimbi aka sunti mameh is more useful to control my migraine and high blood pressure for me. I can make a fruit salad dressing/sauce too with it later. It will looks like dates and last longer too.


still have hundreds of bilimbis on the tree, enough to try another recipes😊

I'm thinking about to make it as cleansing soap or bleaching liquid for the bathroom too😊 but I dunno, I wish I could.

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