I went to see coffee tree and I found a cashew fruit 😄


Im going to try to grow a cashew tree from its seed

Hellow Steemit Fellows

I went out with my hubby to check on the coffee trees we saw few months ago, somewhere in Sawangan, Depok, West Java. I can't remember the place, and all I have to do is be a good back seat passenger😆. Half way to the nursery, I felt like the back wheel rolling unstable, we stopped... it's flat, but the rider thought it's only needs some air and continued after refill it.


About 10 minutes later, we really need to check the tire😁

The nearest mechanic workshop only 100 metres back, so we decided to take the motorbike there, lucky me.. I brought 15 steem in my pocket😆 and paid the services about 6 steem, only one hole though.

The process only took 10 minutes and then we're back on the wheels. Several times losing direction, we finally made it. We arrived at a big old nursery. The care taker lets us went to check on the coffee tree, alone. He said the coffee trees have been there for years and it produces fruits too, but not this year.


and I just can't refuse when my hubby wants to take a picture with the old coffee tree

He went to talk with the nursery's caretaker, I look around and find a cashew tree behind the podwerpuff bushes. I saw red fruits hanging about 8 metres high from the ground and then I seek for any fallen fruits under the tree. I got one and hurry back to show it to my hubby.


I hope the seed will survive

When I took it to my hubby, he asked "what's that?" and I answered it in bahasa indonesia "Buah Jambu, Monyet" or in Inglish "it's a jambo, monkey😆"

In Bahasa Indonesia, we call the cashew as Jambu Mete, Jambu Monyet and in Bahasa Aceh it will be "Shameless Jambo". Of course, Cashew is not belongs to the Myrtaceae or Nut's Family but belongs to the Mango's family. The apple is not the real fruit, it's flower😁 and what kind of fruit which has seed outside the flesh?

Eventhough the cashew is not somekind of vulnarable plant, but it's seldom to find in some part of Indonesia. When I was a child, we have several cashew trees at our relative's yard, when it fruitful, we will pick it up with a long pole and work together to save it from hitting the ground and unedible.

About 20 years ago, the last cashew tree in my childhood neighbourhood wwas cut down and a private hospital was build on the yard. I've never seen any cashew trees ever since, until today😀

I posted the picture on my facebook and some of my friends in Aceh and West Sumatra commenting like crazy and jealous😀 I think I'm not the only one who miss the taste of astrigency, sweet, sour apple of the cashew😊. I wish I could find more fallen fruits to share with them too.


the nursery has quite nice aglaonema's collection, didn't ask the price because I only have 9 steem left to buy onde-onde😊

Aglaonema is not my favourite plant to have, but My Hubby and FIL love colourful leaf plants😆 maybe we will buy it some other time. The caretaker said that the nursery which 2 hectares wide has been there for years, the first on that area. The owner is landlord from Batak Ethnic (North Sumatra) and that's the answer to my wonder why it has coffee trees and several trees that a signature of Sumatra Island like Rambutan, Durian, and langsat😊. We headed back home before the sun has set.


then I remember that I didn't see any stinky bean trees at the nursery, which it's something weird for a people from sumatra😀

And the fried stinky bean with green chilli sauce were the best food for the day😆. I prepared that for our lunch and diner by request of my other half. My Sister in Law gaves the stinky bean as souvenir from her family vacation to Central Java😀. I have enough green to enjoy today😊 at least the cashew apple is orange😆

Have you ever taste the apple of the cashew beside the nut?

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