Congratulations the Holy Trinity

** For a long time my fingers did not knock on the keyboard, sent intelligent thoughts and not too much on the Voice. But today there is an opportunity to congratulate all customers on the anniversary of the Christian Church. About 2,000 years ago Christ sent the Holy Spirit from His Father to the disciples. And they, speaking in different languages, went with a sermon all over the world. However, the first word in Jerusalem, pronounced it is the apostle Peter, and the Church includes more than 5 thousand people today. **

Tomorrow we decided to celebrate the holidays with a number of charity cases. During one and a half months young people from Barnaul are preparing crafts for exhibitions, everything they get will be sent to shelters for people without a permanent home and home for parents. Another group - a theatrical faculty student, prepares a game about the life of Alexander Nevsky. The show will take place in the places already mentioned, and in a small village where there is not even a club. But the game will! Everything for the show is ready.

All with holidays! Peace and kindness! And that the Spirit does not fade in you!

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