Answered Prayers Maybe Sketch by @bxlphabet

Yesterday I posted a sketch by @bxlphabet showing a model looking like she was praying. This is what I have been doing continually. I have been praying for my son’s safety. Today my prayers were answered and I found out he is in fact safe for the moment.

When last I heard anything about my son, it was over one month ago in an email from his landlord. At that time she told me this would be the last email she would send, but I guess yesterday she had a change of heart.

Other than the fact that he is still there and alive, the news is not good. He now owes her even more money than he did, no money is coming in, and she states he will have to leave on Monday if he does not find a way to pay her something.


The attitude of this sketch shows the way I feel today. @fitinfun

The blue border was applied by me in processing.

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