Sweet corn crops

Corn crops certainly you will immediately recognize when viewed this plant, but to mention the characteristics of corn crops many people who feel difficult, ... well maybe confused which traits that need to be disclosed.


Corn plants have fibrous roots and can grow about 2 cm more. When growing up this plant will appear the root of adventif.Corn stems are perpendicular to the stems of segments.

The leaves of the corn plants form elongated and parallel to the mother's leaf bone, has a smooth and hairy surface.


So if you question "Mention the traits of corn crops?" You can answer by drawing the conclusions of some of the above explanation ie the seeds of a single or monocotil, have fiber roots, the corn leaves are perfect with bones parallel to the mother bone, corn has male and female flowers separated.

Thank you very much to my dear friends whom I have never forgotten with his kindness, always faithful to attend and support my work, good luck and healthy always my best friends:










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