

Here is an explanation of the process of making one of the jewelry example of old gold. First of all prepare the materials like, pure gold, copper and silver. Then the material is divided in 75% pure gold, 17% copper and 7% silver, then the third material it is mixed and merged into one into the old golden commonly called 75.Kemudian printed and made all kinds of jewelery. To make the gold halfway commonly called gold stw, mix the materials 40% pure gold, 40% copper and 20% silver then all mixed and melted into one and printed.After it is ready to be jewelry desired.And the last is the young gold that comes from a mixture of 30% pure gold, 40% copper, 30% silver is made one and then melted and molded into ready materials into jewelry.After forming all kinds of jewelry continue to be boiled with water mixed Apotas until the dirt is lost and dried with a plate of soil placed on the stove to dry sam pie looks shiny continue to be chromised with pure white yellow / crom white water which will be white.kuning.Lalu color polished by hand polishing machine with the material named willcom according to the already decorated by artisan with printing machine

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