It's My Story About of the Sea. Where's Your Story?

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Lokasi pantai Lam Puuk Kabupaten Aceh Besar

First Story : The ocean is beautiful

The wind brings the waves increasingly pulled over. Small ripples flung through my body without stopping. I let my face in the wind blow, looking at the endless ocean.The shore of Lam Puuk is so beautiful. The spread of white sand on the beach, and the magnificent panorama of the cliff. Large waves chasing each other's lonely beaches. The children run around laughing happily. The beach is so much fun.

Angin membawa ombak semakin menepi. Riak-riak kecil menghempas tubuhku tanpa berhenti. Kubiarkan wajahku di hembus angin, sambil memandang lautan yang tiada bertepi. Tepian pantai Lam Puuk begitu indah. Tebaran pasir putih di tepi pantai, dan panorama bukit karang yang begitu menawan. Ombak-ombak besar saling berkejaran ketepian pantai. Anak-anak berlari-lari sambil tertawa riang. Pantai ini begitu menyenangkan.

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Story 2: The ocean is a source of sustenance.

Day is getting late, the sun has begun to shift to the western horizon. Gulls fly over water. Fishing boats slowly getting closer to the shoreline. Fishermen always go out to sea in the morning and come home in the afternoon.

Hari semakin sore, matahari sudah mulai bergeser ke ufuk barat. Burung camar terbang di atas permukan air. Perahu nelayan perlahan lahan semakin dekat tepian pantai. Nelayan selalu melaut di pagi hari dan pulang di sore hari.

I step foot close to the boat that pulled over. I saw some fish baskets passed by the fishermen. This is the result of hard work of fishermen for a full day. The oceans are a source of sustenance. In addition to fishermen, the traders on the beach, toke bench, and tour operators also get sustenance because of the ocean.

Ku langkah kaki mendekati perahu yang lagi menepi. Ku lihat beberapa keranjang ikan yang diturunkan oleh nelayan. Inilah hasil kerja keras nelayan selama sehari penuh. Lautan ini sumber rezeki. Selain nelayan, para pedagang di tepi pantai, toke bangku, dan pengelola wisata juga mendapatkan rezeki karena adanya lautan.

Story 3: The ocean is a killer

I walked along the coast to the West end. Think back a little old story. I still remember, the cry of a mother who cried for her son who died from drowning in the ocean. His body was stretched out on the beach. I still remember, thousands of my siblings who were killed by the tsunami waves. Thousands of families who lost their homes and relatives. What a sad tragedy.

Aku berjalan menelusuri pantai ke ujung Barat. Kurenungi kembali sedikit cerita lama. Aku masih ingat, jeritan seorang ibu yang menangisi anaknya yang meninggal karena tenggelam di lautan. Jasadnya terbujur kaku di tepi pantai. Aku masih teringat, ribuan saudaraku yang tewas karena hempasan gelombang tsunami. Ribuan keluarga yang kehilang rumah dan sanak family. Sungguh sebuah tragedi yang menyedihkan hati.



My best friend, not all things in life fit our minds. Like the story above, a traveler will surely say the ocean is beautiful; a fisherman must say the sea is a source of sustenance; while a mother whose child dies drowns in the ocean must say the ocean is a killer. Any one's opinion of a thing depends on the circumstances and experience of his life. Best for us is not necessarily best for others. True in our opinion is not necessarily true for others.

Sahabatku, tidak semua hal dalam hidup ini sesuai dengan pikiran kita. Seperti cerita di atas, seorang wisatawan pasti akan mengatakan lautan itu indah; seorang nelayan pasti mengatakan laut itu sumber rezeki; sedangkan seorang ibu yang anaknya meninggal tenggelam di lautan pasti mengatakan lautan itu pembunuh. Setiap pendapat seseorang terhadap suatu hal sangat tergantung kepada kondisi dan pengalaman hidupnya. Terbaik bagi kita belum tentu terbaik bagi orang lain. Benar menurut kita belum tentu benar bagi yang lain.

Let's respect each other for differences.

Mari kita saling menghargai terhadap perbedaan.


Salam @buddin2

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