Steemit Top 50 Songs List

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to participate in this challenge started by @verhp11.

It has taken me a while to circle back around to it but I knew it was something that I definitely wanted to be invloved in.

The rules are pretty simple:

Challenge at least three persons to participate

Use the tag #steemithitslist

Select a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 30 songs in your top list

The Steemit list will be constructed out of the songs that are posted with the hashtag.

The final list, with playlist, will be posted on 31 december.

I am actually going to break from the rules and not specifically challenge anyone. Most of the people that I frequently interact with have already entered their submission. If you follow me though and happen to read this, feel free to submit your own entry.

I basically just pulled a portion of my favorites list from Spotify to enter as my submission. The full list consists of hundreds of songs and I seriously don't think any of us wants to be here that long!

I am only going to select a few of them from the list to highlight though they are all good. I apologize that the artist names are cut off on some of the songs. I tried to adjust the columns and ended up sorting the songs into a new order that I am not sure I can undo.

She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart

I'd actually never heard of this band before and this is the first time that I have seen the video for this song. I heard it on an episode of American Horror Story though, I think it was the Hotel season. There was something about it that I just really enjoyed. It got added to my playlist immediately.

Maroon 5 - Sugar

I know a lot of people aren't fans of Maroon 5. That is fine. I am sure I am not a fan of some of the music that they enjoy. Besides having in my opinion a good groove, the main reason I like this song is because of the video.

The legitimately drove around L.A. on a Saturday and crashed a bunch of weddings (and taped the reactions). Can you imagine if that had been your wedding? Talk about a day to remember!

Again, even if you don't like their music you have to at least respect that fact that Adam is a decent guitar player when he chooses to play.

Andrew Duhon - Gonna Take a Little Rain

I seriously couldn't tell you how I discovered Andrew Duhon. If I had to guess, I was listening to something on Spotify and after that playlist ended they started playing stuff they thought I might like. This was probably one of the songs they picked.

I like the way it flows. Okay, get ready for an honest moment... I have done a ton of challenges like this. I find them difficult. I, like a lot of people, view music as something you feel and experience more than just something you listen to. That usually makes it hard for me to put into words what a song means to me or how it makes me feel.

It's just something that is, almost like a force of nature.

Old Crow Medicine Show - Sweet Amarillo

Old Crow has a decent history of taking Bob Dylan songs and ideas and turning them into something great. See "Wagon Wheel". I used to hate bluegrass music, I pretty much grew up hating all country music for the most part. I am not sure why, but I did.

I am so very glad that I changed that perspective and I am now able to enjoy a large variety of music. Old Crow does a really good job of almost making bluegrass a mainstream thing. All without compromsing their craft or the integrity of the music.

That's my list. I apologize there aren't any "harder" songs in there. Trust me, my full list includes everything... rap, heavy metal, hair metal, showtunes, classic rock, r&b, blues, jazz, Christian rock, you name it.

All videos were pulled from Youtube.


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