The Flower's of Rambutan

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<div class="text-justify"Rambutan Aceh is tree fruit with high dense & results average 160-170 per tree belt, red yellow rind, smooth, fresh, sweet-sour taste is a lot of water ngelotok & power save 4 days after being picked, the fruit is impervious in a carriage

Factors that affect the growing power of rambutan External factors of soil, Soil-is an important factor of the growth of a plant. Plant the plants love the loose herbs, lush and slightly gritty. The land of thick berlempung a little hard covered by rambutan, therefore the addition of a bit of sand on the ground b
Cerlempung can help the growth of Herbs on the soil conditions. Despite the fact both can live with rambutan in all kinds of soil conditions but Signs


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