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Bismillah ..
In the end we are not only going home in the world, * but we will also be going home to the next village .. *

Let's reflect on these two homecoming ..

    1. Feelings of joy and fear .. *
~ Right, Lebaran trip to the world kempung make the heart was happy and happy

But, going home to the Hereafter, some fear and anxiety, yes because * Al-wahn *, ie * love the world and fear of death *

* 2. Looked forward and avoided .. *

Yeah, how happy to get vacation leave long going home country hometown.

But, homecoming back home mudik avoided, worried even just the news of death alone is horrified.

* 3. Mudik preparation .. *

Right, mudik Lebaran prepare everything, latest clothes, best performance vehicle, smile and pleasant atmosphere.

But, going home to the afterlife? Potluck? Do not know what? In fact no one is ready to go home right now ..

* 4. Fruit handmade. *

Yes, happy to be able to bring pieces of hands (gifts) for those who are accommodated, the fruit of the hand is not how much but valuable.

But, the fruit of homeward hometown is not yet clear? Because the stopover is not necessarily met.

    1. During wandering. *
True, during wandering, roughing, clothing, food and shelter, it is important to return home successfully and bring all the success overseas. But, mudik akhirat has been forgotten, pretending to forget or deliberately forgotten, even glory in the overseas (the world), true overseas land is false.
  • We are the nomads .. *

Just passing by ..
Like a traveler who stops by under a tree then leaves.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

ما لى وما للدنيا ما أنا فى الدنيا إلا كراكب استظل تحت شجرة ثم راح و تركها

  • _ "What do I care about the world ?! I do not live in the world but like a traveler who shelter under a tree and rest, then the traveler leaves it. "_ *

(HR Tirmidhi no.2551, validated by Shaykh Al Albani in Saheeh wa Dha'if Sunan At Tirmidhi)

Definitely !

  • We will be going home to the hometown here ..*

Allah Almighty says:

الموت ولو كنتم في بروج مشيدة

  • _ "Wherever you are, death will find you, even if you are in a strong fortress again." _ *

(Surah An-Nisa ': 78)

the world is temporary and its essence is ....اعلموا أنما الحياة الدنيا لعب ولهو وزينة وتفاخر بينكم وتكاثر في الأموال والأولاد كمثل غيث أعجب الكفار نباته ثم يهيج فتراه مصفرا ثم يكون حطاما وفي الآخرة عذاب شديد ومغفرة منالله ورضوان وما الحياة الدنيا إلا متاع الغرور* _ "Know that the life of this world is nothing but a game and an abandon, jewelry and glory between you and proud of the wealth and the child. such as the rains whose crops marveled the peasants; then the plant becomes dry and you see the yellow color then become destroyed .._ *

  • Dan in the Hereafter (later) there is a hard punishment and forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure. and the life of this world is nothing but deceiving pleasure. " *

(Surah Al-Hadid: 20)

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