The Digital Wallet Blockchain Slide In Indonesia At This Time


  • Eco energy Chain (EEC), the origin of the Singapore technology company, launched the digital wallet ET blockchain hybrid to create asset digitization platform and application development company is the best. Compared to blockchain 1.0 as Bitcoin Network and blockchain 2.0 like ethereum, ET hybrid chain technology has three advanced features are categorized as blockchain 3.0, "says Chief Operating Officer EEC Foundation
  • ET chain hybrid is smart, flexible contract covers the digitization of assets, financial management, and trading of assets distributed, and others. ET hybrid chain has a system of comprehensive digital asset security for example, can provide a multi-function signature to digital wallet so some decision makers can jointly manage digital assets it makes ownership digital assets belonging to the company rather than just the individual.


  • In addition it also provides customized corporate approval process so as to reduce the possibility of human error and fraud. If the holder of the private key is not able to perform his responsibilities due to unforeseen circumstances the security system will provide protection and recovery mechanism for corporate digital assets.

  • ET hybrid chain are shown with an effective scalability based on architectural technology based on hybrid blockchain, ET hybrid chain have characteristics of both public and private blockchain. In public areas, the basic data can be transmitted and processed in a safe and transparent.

  • In the area of personal sensitive data and financial data will be protected. In addition to the protection of privacy, private blockchain makes the process faster and more effective reaching 2,000 transactions per second, which allows many applications blockchain the level of the company to operate on a permanent basis in ET blockchain hybrid.

  • This technological development advances the EEC forward with speed beyond what we expected. I am looking forward to applications that are based on this cutting edge hybrid blockchain technology can be applied in the field of development of digital financial hub, as well as the promotion of infrastructure and e-government services.

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