Strong girl


The first is strong congenital. Powerful is the essence. No need, let alone. Birth parents do not need training also hard to believe. Moreover, it is strong from physical to spiritual. In the sisterhood will always be the type of sister to rely on others, to seek to share at the uncertainty in life.

The second is through training. It is often because of so many heartbreaks and mental traumas that the mind no longer trusts anyone. Over time, the heart starts to crumble, harder to vibrate. This type of girl often difficult to open, because too much pain lost faith. Wishing to stay with you will require a lot of patience.

The third is because there is no other choice. Situations, relationships, relationships, life, work, do not allow yourself to be soft soft, so always gong to be overbearing with life, with people. But the heart is soft, the heart is easy to vibrate, easily cheated. Actually, building a strong appearance is to wrap the weak heart inside.


Although strong, but girls are still girls, always need to be loved, protected. The most important thing in a relationship with strong daughters is sincerity and patience. Do not expect with a few words that will make them vibrate. With strong daughters, what they need is action and time, how much time you spend with them, and how much time you are willing to pay in exchange for their vibration.

Strong girls, they need more love than anything.
Because they are so strong, nothing can make them difficult. Only love is to make them think a lot ...

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