sea ​​beach

Sea beach or beach is a type of geological area, which develops on the side of any water. But the land formed on the lake or haor type of water is not considered as a beach. imagepicture ssourceThis is applicable only to the surrounding area of ​​the sea. It is usually made of loose substances such as rock, gravel, sand, cucumber etc. In some cases beets are formed through bismo. For example, animal shells, corals etc.
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Wild beaches are meant to mean beach, in which no lifeguard exists, or is not controlled or controlled by anything; For example: Hotel or Resort. Such beaches are sometimes called as unacceptable, undeveloped, undesirable, or undiscovered beaches. Wild beaches are specially known and valuable for their untouchable beauty, and preserved nature. These are found in relatively less developed places. These include Puerto Rico, Thailand, and Indonesia.
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It is seen that in all the places where winds flow and ocean currents are implemented, sea beaches are created by geological changes.

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