Do You on True Way?

The month of Sha'ban is already in the part of the fifth asma sani, the second half. That is, just counting the days, we will arrive in the noble month, Ramadan is his name. Ramadan is a blessed month, a time for worship, though it does not mean that worship is only in that month alone. Even those who think so can be assumed innocent.

The whole month is the time to worship. Because human essence is created to be a person who must worship. However, where there is a glorious and glorious time, it is fitting for us to consider more and more time with worship. So is the place. Where the place is glorious and glorified, then when it is in place we should worship the worship to glorify the noble place.

Ramadan includes a glorious time. Then more worship in it. And prepare yourself as best you can to welcome the month of forgiveness and the fold of the reward. Well, that preparation is in each of us.

This preparation is also what is meant by what we know that "Who is pleased with the entry of Ramadan will be forgiven his dossier".

As already well understood, the world is only ghurur_mata'ul. Yes, just a trick. For whom? For people who are not good at driving their lives. Goodness and truth are clear. Evil and evil are also evident. God gives us the choice of which path we will take, in addition also advocates a good path. Why? The path of righteousness and righteousness leads to heaven, while the evil ends up into hell.

In another verse, Allah says: Fa man zuhziha 'anin nar wa udkhilal jannah, faqad faz. Who is kept from hell and put into heaven, then he is lucky.Readers, here we are clearly read kept and inserted, not enter themselves. This means that we go to heaven and hell is not our choice. Not a pupa with our good and evil, but put in by Rabbul Izzati, the Lord of Nature.

Even so, as we alluded to earlier, that we are given a choice. In choosing this, God has bestowed our minds and sent His apostles. All paths have been outlined. And we understand, who is on track he will arrive.

Therefore, now choose the path we must travel. Where do we infakkan our time ramadan which will soon arrive. Before the moment he arrives, let's get ready and prepare to be ready to take advantage of the noble baroque and noble time.It feels sorry to get to the peak of regret if one second of the bonus time that we do not use well. Again, so prepare, program what good activities we will do later. Do not let Ramadan come, we still stunned nak do what. And that time is flowing and we are just drifting through the time without being able to manage ourselves.

May we enter and include people who are ready to do good deeds and are prepared for a good place as a charity's revenge. Wallahu a'lam.

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