Manfaat Bunga Euphorbia

Interest euphorbias is a kind of flowering plants pretty, but have a lot of thorns in the trunk. In addition to its beauty as ornamental plants, flowers euphorbias it also has a variety of the benefits and efficacy. Therefore, euphorbias be one of the plant is included in the pharmacy life. Curious what are the benefits of interest the ornamental the health? Check out his review the following. image

  • Cure hepatitis A.
    hepatitis a is a disease that can be attacked the liver. This disease caused by virus infection. One of ways to cure it is with flowers euphorbias. To make a potion healer hepatitis a, cut the Rod tip interest euphorbias and Iris-Iris, then boiled with 3 glasses of water to the only remaining 1 glasses. Drinking water every day for a month and feel changes.

  • Cure boil.
    Illnesses ulcers it was the painful. For the cure boil, you can burn stem interest euphorbias, then mashed and paste it to the skin bisulnya start growing. Soon, ulcers will break but soon healed and does not appear back.

  • Address constipation.
    Constipation or hard defecation actually not the disease. Haya only is the early symptoms of the disease. To heal, stem euphorbias washed ago milled smooth and squeezed. Then, the water was stirred with tapioca starch taste, then made pills for Green beans. Dry in a way to bake with placemat critical. After so, you can take 1 pills a day

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