The Tradition of Meugang as an Inheritance During the Period of Aceh

Friend, this time I want to share a little knowledge about an Acehnese tradition in the joy of the holy month of Ramadan. Do not feel ya friend, just waiting for the day again is fasting Ramadan. We are thankful to Allah SWT, at this moment we can still express this fresh inhale. Also Insya Allah give long life in this month of Ramadan


Meugang is a tradition of cooking meat and enjoying it with family, or relatives and orphans by the people of Aceh, meugang this is usually done three times, at the time of Ramadan


Meugang was first performed during the sultanate of Aceh, during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda. The Sultan performed the uleebalang to subsidize the poor who could not afford to buy meat.
It is also a sign of gratitude to Allah above the people of Aceh and that time. If examined further, basically, this meugang tradition is a hadith that says:

Woe to those who visited Ramadan, but not yet forgive each other-forgive and serve their parents (HR Tirmidzi).


Well, depart from the traditions that the people of Aceh translate into the tradition meugang. To celebrate today, usually the people of Aceh bring home some pieces of meat to be used with family. In the morning Acehnese women have been busy shopping for the purpose, ranging from spices and meat shopping as necessary.

It is also commonplace and natural, because for the people of Aceh full who live near the coast, on a typical day, they always look for fish as a protein. If reasonable at special times, the people of Aceh record it by eating meat. Like beef, goat and so forth.

From here we can understand together why the tradition meugang things that happen in Aceh society. If there is more, on the social media homepage of Aceh certainly many who mention this meugang, even with online media especially Aceh, there are only articles or opinions that discuss about meugang


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