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  • Your Life Is Ruwet? *
  • Your Life Is Dark? *
  • Many Problems That Have Not Found the Solution? *
  • Has not met his partner for a long time? *
  • Have a lot of debt hasn't found how to pay it? *
  • Want to have a business do not know how, do not have the capital? *
  • It hurts not to recover, haven't found the medicine? *
  • Fortune feels clogged? *
  • It's been a long time for marriage to have children? *
  • And there are many more problems that haven't found the solution ....? *
  • The Messenger of Allah said: *
    "Whoever reads the letter of Al-Kahf on Friday, it will emit light for him between two Friday."
    (HR. Al-Hakim: 2/368 and Al-Baihaqi: 3/249)
    If we read Surat al Kahf then we will get light, well ... What are the benefits for us of that light?
  • The following is an explanation from Ustad Yusuf Mansur: *
    People often say, "My life is dark."
    Some say: "My future, gloomy."
    Some of them feel, don't find a way out.
  • Where there isn't a way out. There is. But it doesn't look, because it's dark or darkened. *
  • Not visible, or actually can't see. Then it needs light. *
  • One of the light comers is Surah Al Kahfi .... *
    If he is a merchant, God willing, his merchandise will glow.
    If he is a worker, God willing, his career will shine. Bright.
    If he is a student, student, God willing, the way is as a student, student, bright, full of achievement.
    And the hope of scholarship and bright future.
    If he has a debt, God willing, he can see many solutions.
    If he has not been married, God willing, can "be seen", visible, and come a mate for him.
    Households, who read and read Al Kahfi, every Friday,
    Then the household is bright. Glow. It's not dark. Not blurry. Not gloomy.
  • So there is no solution, there is no way, there is, but because darkness is not visible. *
    Now you understand right?
  • After reading al-Kahf, continue praying, asking for forgiveness and continue to ask in his life, asking for a solution to the problem at hand. *
  • The Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, said: *
    "Whoever points to good will get merit like the reward of those who do it"
    (HR. Muslim no. 1893)
    That Science Must Be Implemented To * 'Produce ...' *
    That Science Must Also Be Promulgated To Become * 'Charitable Charity Savings ...' *
  • Please Share This Posts As Many Friends As Possible *
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