Traditional Fish Seller's Place (Traditional Market)


The fish market is a market used to market fish and fish products. In addition to fish, aquatic organisms and other marine caterers are also sold, such as squid, tuna, shrimp and many other fish species.

The potential of marine fish catch in Bireuen Regency especially in coastal area of mon jambe, bate timoeh and kuala jeumpa is quite abundant. The abundance of capture fisheries in the region, making the creativity of the community to increase the selling value of fish more diverse.

In addition to selling fish, in the traditional fish market also sells kitchen supplies such as onions, chillies, salt, tomatoes and fresh vegetables. In addition to cheap fish market prices are also fresh traditional because it is directly taken from the landing fish (TPI).
Fish that we have purchased directly cleaned so that at home fish live cooking according to our individual tastes still.


The characteristics of fresh fish:

a. The fish skin is bright and bright.
b. Fish scales look fresh, shiny, intact and adhered strongly as well as the fins.
c. Fish meat still feels hard or solid.
d. Fish eyes look convex, clear, and prominent.
e. The fish gills are bright red.
f. The aroma is fresh or odorless.

The photographs above I took at the place of traditional fish sellers in banksiri Bireun-Aceh.
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