A wide range of benefits of bananas


Banana is one of the high-calorie tropical fruits. 100 grams of meat contains 90 calories. In addition, it contains lots of fiber that is good for health including anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Banana is one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for a good reason. Yellow-shaped curved fruit wrapped with a myriad of great nutrients. Bananas grow at least around 107 countries and rank fourth among the world of food crops that are monetary.

There are many reasons to eat raw bananas and one of them is its ability to improve digestion. Rich in fiber, green bananas help in the effective functioning of the digestive tract and defecation. Including raw bananas in your diet will definitely help you have the right digestive system.

although cheap does not mean this fruit cheap. There are many benefits that we can find from bananas. Here are the benefits of bananas for health, such as preventing heart disease. Why is banana good for preventing heart disease? this is because bananas contain vitamin C and flavonoids that are antioxidants and can prevent the process of fat oxidation. Potassium contained in bananas is a good tonic for heart health. Pectin fiber has an effect on helping to lower cholesterol.bananas can help in treating anemia because iron is an important part of red blood cells. Anemia also has a significant content of copper, which is an important element in the creation of red blood cells.

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