In this present day we are all one.

No matter what religion,ethnicity, nationality,political affiliation or any other thing that we use to seperate oursrelves from each other. It is time to put our differences aside and realise that we are all one. No one knows who was here first or why we are here. So therefore there can be no superior race. We are a superior species but as we remain divided we can never reach are full potential. By choosing to associate yourself with only one side of the spectrum whether political or religous you are closing your mind to other possiblities that could benefit you. We are all here in this time and place so why cant we use that as common ground and get along. Nothing else realy matters. We will always have different views, beliefs, skin color, and the list can go on and on for differences but when we find commonality however small it might be we can then begin to unite love and forgive each other and advance as a species to our full potential.

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