
The combination of four letters is a very short word love which is called mahabat in Arabic and English in love. Which means, feeling, attraction, tension of the heart; That is, in the heart of human beings God created them in a constructive way. Generally, love is of two types (1) legal and sacred (2) illegal and unclean. Before the marriage, the modern youths who make the relationship, are called illegal and unholy love. And holy love is the love of Allah and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), the love of father and mother towards the child, Husband and wife love etc. God has sent us to the world as the best creature of creation. No other creature has superiority over us. Even the greatest prophet of the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made us. Therefore, every Muslim should first love Allah Almighty, the creator of this universe, and love our last prophet and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Allaah has said in the Qur'an:
والذين آمنوا أشد حبا لله
As for those who Surah Al-Baqarah (Verse Surah Al-Baqarah: 165)
And the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
No person will be a full believer until he loves me more than his life and family.

It shows that Allah, His Messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, love is the obligation of every Muslim. The love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) means to follow his circumcision and ideals. The person who follows more than the Sunnah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم will understand that the love and affection for the Prophet (peace be upon him) in his heart is more intense and the law of those who do not follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, does not mean that the Messenger of Allah , Ashly claims that the prophet is a Prophet, and in reality, they are not the messengers of Ashki. They are Shaytan-Dhokabaj
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,
The person who turns away from my circumcision is not my community.
Otherwise, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,
Sunnah in love with me,

Only after Allah and the Messenger there is the reward of love for parents.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Let the person down! Let the person down! Let the person down! Sahhaba request, saying, 'O Allah's Apostle! Who is that person He said that after getting the mother alive, he cared for them and did not buy Jannat.
In addition, the parents of the parents are inevitably accepted.

Virtue of love to husband and wife:
Hadith is in Sharif,
Talking to the husband and wife in love is better than nafl.
Otherwise, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,
The woman (wife) who wishes her husband to leave the world will surely enter Paradise.

Virtue of love to the child:
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved his father Fatima very much. He said his tongue,
Fatima is a fragment of my chest, if someone hurts me, I will be hurt.
Describing the Prophet Jubon's description of the Prophet, the child who loves to seek the reward.

On the other hand, in our society, in the name of the love and love of the young young man, the Western culture is flowing like an ostensible sea, it is totally illegal and unlawful. Love before marriage is not legal in the eyes of the Shari'ah, illegal. According to the rules of Islam, no young girl can live in any situation with a young man.
Narrated 'Umar: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,
When a man is alone with a woman, then he appears as the third person among them, Satan promotes feelings between them and gives bad concoction between them and ultimately leads to a shameful situation.
In the same way, because of giving them opportunity to associate with them, it is said that their parents and disbelievers have been called as Dyas in Hadith. It has also been said that
Daius can not enter Paradise.
Therefore it is important for everyone to be strictly cautious about this and that is the claim of faith. And for the sake of this illegal love, God gave the woman and woman the curtains of the curtain. If this provision is fulfilled in both men and women, then there is no scope for such illegal love in society. Many of our society again comment that love-love is legitimate, their saying is that love is pure, love is pure. All these things are completely wrong, ignorant, illegal, profane and anti-Islam. Love can never be legal In fact This kind of love love relationship does not support Islam. But yes, one can choose to live like his mind. But so that he can not start playing any love-love before the marriage. Because love and love are the poets and harbors of sins, even if they want to marry but do not marry. Even if the marriage is confirmed, no love and love till the time of Akad is not known. Only after having a husband and wife through marriage can love love, and it is the work of purifying and auspiciousness.

A few days ago a girl told her a classmate story - this way she met him. At one point of good and bad conversation he began to tell me like this: I know that a few days ago I went to my grandfather's house, where I met some of my cousin. They got to meet them happily. These are many stories of these. One of them got married. Hello, I have asked her mouth! Do you see the groom? And he said, means watching! Every day we talk about the phone. I said it was not right. Do not know - Love is forbidden before marriage, forbidden Then they all laughed, I did not understand the reason for their smile. The Mohana said, Hey, all of our marriage is right, here again there is a sin. Besides, if you do not love before marriage, then how will you know each other. How do I suddenly get married with strangers? Besides, love-love is sacred, Then everyone said yes together. The love of love is their argument - Yusuf-Julikha is doing love. If he loved being a Prophet then surely the love should be sacred. I understand them a lot, they said, if you can make the right and clear arguments, then we will obey you.

They saw their argument, because they did not have their religious knowledge, they argued with Yusuf-Julieka. But they do not know, Yusuf (AI :) is involved in this incident, what is the secret of the love of Juliecha? How many years ago did Jukiikh Yusuf (A :) get closer to the dream? His love is not like the love of the love of the youth of the present age. And because of not knowing this love love love is sacred because of love. Many youths and youths are involved in such kind of love and love. The loss of their writing and reading is a waste of time. Health is being broken, framing of broken family is going on, most importantly, the light of faith is going out, Loss of poverty Actually what love means - this love of the young man's love is not that love. The main mining of their love is often seen in their love because the guardians do not have the consent and they run away with lime. Again, when the emotion of love collapses after a few days, then there is a lot of discomfort and pain like the shadow of black clouds. Then there is a separation of electricity. They lose a lonely sabi in catastrophic love.

They do not know! What is love What is love? What is his reward? Do not know why, yes they know, love is the name of a deadly torture. A heartbreaking contagious disease, which is extremely shocking, love at the worst. He once did not see the shadows of happiness once he reached the path. Because it contains the displeasure of Allah and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The main source of love is the passion and the passion that is the driving force of love. But when the depth of deep emotional love ceases, Mohan is born instead of love. Like the water of the bitter water, this moho is a storm. Then dream dreams, hope, love becomes everything. Some people again react in love again. Someone takes revenge (acid, murder, or the marriage of youth), someone gets killed, someone commits suicide Hey parents love so bhayaksara street name! Still, it does not understand how young people of today regardless of their acceptance. Who dedicates his life for illegal love, why do you want to dedicate your life to the harmful path? Offer your life to life in the way of God. Where there will be no turmoil, no trouble, only happiness and happiness, peace and peace, what is being seen in the present world, love is undoubtedly anti-Islamic. But the fact is that in most of the world today, many teenagers, young people, young people, especially the educated and educated school, college and university students are suffering from this love called death pandemic. As a result, there are thousands of lives going on in the early days. Every day thousands of women are being burnt to acid. Is this true of modern love in the modern world? So to say that it is not love, it is a dancing addiction. College and University students suffer from this death called death. As a result, there are thousands of lives going on in the early days. Every day thousands of women are being burnt to acid. Is this true of modern love in the modern world? So to say that it is not love, it is a dancing addiction.

In the name of love, the future prospects of the country are destroying and destroying the youth. As a result, the family and society are all stigmatized, fallen. The evidence of which is visible every day is blind on the pages of the magazine. But can not we come back from that way? Can not have time to learn from it? Yes love is a great great quality. God Almighty gave this love one-ninth to ninety-nine by itself, and gave one part to all the world in the world. By which the mother loves the children, loves the husband and wife, the relatives love each other. The rest of the ninety-nine divided the love Allah has kept with Him. On the Day of Resurrection, He will show mercy to His servants. The great love Allah has provided curtains for the prevention of destructive diseases called love. It will be possible to save the person, Protect the family society and the country. Allahpak said to women:
ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى
Do not show yourself like the days of ignorance and do not go out. (Al-Qur'an)
Those who dared to call the illegitimate love sacred and said love is sacred. When love salinatara najayiya why? I repeat them, this is your mere ignorance and utterly wrong and wrong ideas. Illegal love can never be holy and there is no way to be holy. The love of young and young women is completely negligent and unlawful. Only after a single marital relationship can love become pure. Before marriage, it is not holy, and the poets are guilty of poison. Even if the marriage date is correct, it will not be able to engage in the work until it has been done. Even before Aks, all the secret messages related to love sharing, meeting, talking on the phone are prohibited, Kabira sin.

So, if we want to live properly, to save the nation, the nation and the family, the way to love this illegal love will be stopped forever. It is very important for every Muslim to beware of this. Finally, if we build the basis of marriage bonds with young people, adolescents, the rules of young people, then we can be happy in both the world and hereafter. I will be able to release the country and society from wickedness and present every child coming forward to present a beautiful future and desirable country society and environment. So let us all be aware and show the way to youth to live properly.

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