togetherness to make whatever the origin of work comes to perfection.


The process of skinning is to be careful, heart and goat should be hanged so that the skinning process runs smoothly.
waega participate embantu pemaksaan cutter to skinning, and racked dangi citizens intervene.
my incredible cohesiveness.
and residents shoulder to shoulder to there is a citizen whose part holding a goat's feet is slaughtering the flocks of the unlucky who cut off the meat.
It feels like everyone already understands their respective tasks without being dominated - everything can go well.

I think this is natural because the ritual of cutting the sacrificial animal is, one of the annual routine agenda for Muslims in particular who live in housing.

atmosphere around Ar Rahman Mosque like Market Meat where animals that have been cut one by one tied and hung above tent,
so hanging where each goat there are 2 citizens in charge skin skin and then cut the meat.

Unlike cattle sacrificial animals are not hung but placed on the shelves and then skinned and cut into pieces by some people.

with the spirit of mutual help although the work is quite tiring because of the large number of sacrificial animals but because it is done together, and is a religious activity or part of the worship because it sacrificed on the day of Eid al-Adha.

highly recommended in Islam so that every Muslim who is involved in it Insha Allah, if it is intended to worship it will be rewarded so as to make all who run it so not felt .

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