Learn more about Grasshoppers

This phenomenal animal belongs to the herbivorous insect species of the Caelifera family in the Orthoptera catagory, to distinguish them from crickets or similar but not the same. Species that change color and the behavior in which they live is called Grasshopper. This type of animal is an amazing insect that can jump twenty-five times its body length. If we could do that, we would be able to jump almost forty-five meters approximately.

Grasshopper's picture of eating banana leaves

A Grasshopper does not really jump, what they do is their habit of using the back legs as a jumping-off. For Grasshoppers are able to jump and fly well too, they can reach speeds of about eight miles per hour when flying. There are about eighteen thousand different species of grasshopper species on earth.

#Appearance of Grasshopper :

Grasshoppers are identical as large insects. The adult body length is one to seven cm, depending on the species species. Like their sisters 'katydids' and their crickets have chewed their mouths, two pairs of wings, one narrow and difficult, broad back legs and very flexible and long, these are used as a means to jump. Grasshoppers are different from other groups in having short antennas that do not reach very far back on their bodies.

Images from close range

Grasshoppers certainly have large and colored eyes to blend in with the environment where the habitat, usually a combination of gray, brown or green leaves. In some species the males have bright colors on their wings that they use to attract the attention of females. Some species are found to eat poisonous plants, and keep toxins in their bodies for self-protection, they are brightly colored to warn predators that they are not tasty and bad to eat. For females are larger than males and have a sharper point at the end of their existing abdomen to help them lay their eggs under the leaves or on wooden holes and also on the ground. The males sometimes have special structures for their wings, that they rub their hind legs or rub together to make sound. Grasshoppers can be found almost everywhere in the world, except in very cold temperate regions such as the North Pole and South cover.

Very beautiful to observe

#This type of animal :

There are two main groups of grasshoppers:
Is divided according to the length of their antenna, commonly also said horn. The horned short grasshoppers are usually called grasshoppers.

#Place of life Grasshopper or habitat :

These animals live in grasslands, fields and small forests, almost anywhere they can find a lot of food. A grasshopper has a hard shell and a full grasshopper is about one and a half inches, so small, we would not think they would eat so much, but we were wrong they turned out to eat so much and a great deal, an average grasshopper could eat seventeen set its own weight time.
These favorite foods are foliage, grasses and rice plants and cereals. One particular grasshopper for example the Shorthorn grasshopper only eats the plant, but it can go berserk and eat every visible plant making us see them everywhere.

Enjoy uninterrupted food

#Habit of Grasshopper or behavior :

The most active grasshoppers during the day, but also eat at night. This beautiful animal has no nest or territory, and some species continue to migrate long just to find new food sources.

Looks very tame when photographed

Most of these species are solitary and only gather for marriage, but migratory species sometimes converge in large groups of millions or even billions of Grasshoppers. When grasshoppers are picked, they spit in the form of a brown liquid known as tobacco juice, some scientists believe that this fluid can protect from attacks Grasshoppers by insects such as ants and other predators, they spit on them, throwing back and flying very quickly.
Grasshoppers also try to escape from their enemies by hiding in the grass or among the foliage. If you've ever tried to catch Grasshoppers in the park or on the grassy farm you know how fast they can disappear by falling into the tall grass.

Well, that's a bit of writing about the life of Grasshoppers and the environment. Grasshoppers are always very interesting to observe what else is colorful, may be useful.

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