International Women's Day(crap day)

So as whole world knows that 8th March is celebrated as International Women's Day each and every year. On this day everyone and when i say everyone i mean even feminists too will talk about Girl power , women empowerment, gender equality, and so on. Out of 365 days in a year this is the only day where people realise that womens should also be treated as human being, they should also have right to make their own decisions and do whatever they want to do with their life.

Bitter Truth

  • Every coin has two sides, on women's day we see only one side of this coin whereas on all other days we see other side of the coin. On one hand we talk about all these stuff whereas on other hand womens are still not safe to travel during night, streets are still unsafe for them.
  • They are still not free enough to make their own decisions and implement them, whether it is related to their career or it is related to their personal life. There will always be some people poking their nose into their life.
  • It is still decided by people of our society that what we should wear and what not. Whether we can go out late at night or not, if we can hand around with boys or not and so many things.
  • At what age girl should get married is decided by everyone else except for the girl. As long as she croses her age of 25 every relative, neighbour and family member start pressuring girl to get married as soon as possible.
    The list can go on but am going to end it here only. Because it won't be of any use, people are not going to change their perspective towards womens and whatever.....
    Happy blah blah day
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