I'll never forget.


17 years ago, the same year I met my husband, I was in 8th grade. I will never forget that day. I knew something was wrong when the administrators kept pulling kids out of class for early dismissal. I was sitting in orchestra class when someone said that they heard a helicopter hit the pentagon and someone else said a plane hit a building. We brushed it off as if it was no big deal and went on with our day.

It wasn't until my sister and I were leaving the building that day that I knew something was really wrong. BOTH my parents were waiting for us. I remember my mom telling us what happened and I said, "so?". I had no idea what she was telling us; I had no idea the gravity of it....until I got home, and turned on the news.

I will never forget what I saw that day and how much my heart was breaking and I will never forget the unity and kindness that followed.

The summer after the attack, I visited ground zero with our choir group while on tour. It was so silent and solemn. Then someone from our group started to sing. We all slowly and softly joined in singing Amazing Grace. We cried and sang as people gathered. And it was beautiful.

Those that were loved and those that lost, you will always remain in my heart.

Who knew that one man
Could do so much destruction?
To you, to me, to our constitution.
Who knew it'd be gone
In a minute,
The twin towers with
so many in it?
Who knew you would
lose a loved one?
A husband, a wife,
or even your own son.
Who knew we could
be so strong?
And that he could
Hide for so, so long.
Nobody knew that
all this would happen.
we must be strong
and unite with our nation.

I hope to visit the new memorial so very soon. Remembering 9-11.


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