book as a window of science

Hello everyone. Today i will share about the impoertance reading book for all of us.


Books are the windows of the world. Its also very important role for human life. However, it is often regarded as something that is of no value if we do not read it. Therefore, it is important for us to read it. By reading, our knowledge will increase and by reading we can change the world.

Reading is very important for everyone. Because it will be able to increase knowledge and insight for those who do it. But this reading activity has not been done, especially for teenagers. This is indeed a concern of many parties, be it educators, parents and government. Attempts to build public awareness for reading have long been done in many ways. Unfortunately, it has not produced much results.

In today's age, teenagers read books when they need resources to do the work. This phenomenon also often occurs when a student is preparing a final project or thesis. "Indeed, reading culture is no longer a necessity for the younger generation because of the lack of control of families and communities for children in the use of technology today," said Prof. Dr. Suwardi H Suwardi MS Suwardi who is also a lecturer of communication at the College of Communication Studies "Development" (STIK-P) Medan added.

As a result of the lack of reading culture, the teenage mindset becomes practical and it makes them easily frustrated. In fact, by reading the mindset of a person will be more open and many positive things that will be obtained. "Wrong if a student reading a book when going to complete the thesis because it will only read a book related to thesis or task only. That makes his insights become not widespread, "said Mr. Suwardi who also teaches at USU. He also advised the young generation to realize that the book is the heart of life. Because by reading the book insight and our knowledge will grow.


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