Get that alam nyoe (nature beautiful) » bilingual


Adventure in the universe is not a normal journey for humans, when dianoligikan into the journey of one's life, an adventure will give a real message, whether it is about the struggle, sacrifice or the nature of man himself. The journey from home to the valleys or the jungle will provide answers to crucial questions in life, such as 'what do we live for?', 'Who are we really?' or even questions about the Creator. Great, though it looks simple. An adventure is able to change the attitudes and thoughts of the perpetrators. Because, in the vast world there, a lot of lessons and life inspiration. In fact no doubt, great adventurers say that the universe is the best teacher.


Petualang di alam rayeuk ken jak biasa bagi ureung, bila ta analogikan ke dalam hudep sidroe ureung, saboh petualang akan na saboh pesan nyang beutoi. Get nyan perjuangan, pengorbanan, atau hakikat ureung nyan keudrogeuh.
Perjalanan ke lhok-lhok atau uteun rayeuk akan na jawaban ateuh pu pu nyang geu tanyeng dalam hudep nyoe, lage keupu tanya hudep? Atawa bahwa teumanyeng hal sang khalik. Hayeu that, meuseu ta kalon sederhana. Saboh petualang sanggop di rubah sifeut dan seumike so-so nyang pubut. Sabeub, di alam nyang yang luwah nyoe, le that pelajaran dan inspiration. Bahkan hana ragu, le petualang hayeu di peugah bahwasajih alam semesta nyoe na keuh guree paleng bereh.




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