Kenapa hatiku sangat senang

Good morning all. On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction about who I am. My name is Riki Satria. I was the first of three children. I was born in bekasi, 14 july 1990. Currently, my family and I live in Jalan Kebon Waru number 33, Tangerang, South Jakarta. Speaking of hobby problems, of course I have a musical hobby. I can play guitar from grade 4 SD and currently I have created 4 songs. Because of my love of music, I also have ideals to make a band and will one stage with Coldplay. Hopefully my goals can be achieved. I have 2 siblings who are still in elementary school. Bicara masalah hobi, tentu saja saya memilik hobi bermusik. Saya bisa memainkan gitar dari kelas 4 SD dan saat ini saya sudah menciptakan 4 buah lagu. Karena kecintaan saya terhadap musik, saya pun mempunyai cita-cita untuk membuat sebuah band dan kelak akan satu panggung dengan Coldplay. Semoga cita-cita saya bisa tercap imageai.

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